Cada vez con mayor frecuencia los Sistemas de Transporte Inteligentes (ITS) están ganando terreno y van adaptándose a las formas de transporte de todo el mundo, con el objetivo de responder a las necesidades que generan las Smart Cities. Sin embargo, hay que tener en cuenta los riesgos que esto conlleva y los ciberataques que pueden efectuarse contra los sistemas de transporte debido a las amenazas del futuro. Seguir leyendo
Etiqueta: transport
Central City Travel
Building or owning a house is undoubtedly one of the biggest and the most critical investment that one makes in his life. However, instead of getting fooled by the contractor’s cost quotation of rosy woods, it is best to delve into their credential and always opt for a certified general contractor over the uncertified ones. There are several reasons for it that you should know. Any licensed contractor would have full training, know-how and applied training done before getting certified.